प्रकल्प कालावधी
सुरू होण्याची ठराविक तारीख
February 26 2015
पूर्ण होण्याची वास्तविक तारीख
March 08 2019
पूर्ण झालेले
किंमत (₹)
अंदाजे खर्च
₹ 18,97,09,697.00
ला देण्यात आला
₹ 21,19,74,093.00
प्रकल्पाची ठळक वैशिष्ट्ये
Demolition and Construction of 20bedded Hospital which is G+2 building and Hostel with 18rooms of double occupancy, G+1 building.The hospital provides Administrative office, Pharmacy, OPDs, Immunization room, Casualty, Dressing room, Post natal, Labor room, male/female toilets, Ward sister’s room, Seminar hall, Male/Female ward, Sterilization room, Minor OT, changing/ rest rooms, Examination room. The hostel is also provided with office, mess facility with kitchen and dining hall, servant’s room, library room, recreation room, etc.

M/s. S.N. Constructions

M/s. Frischmann Prabhu (I) Pvt. Ltd