Likely Date of Completion December 25 2009
Project highlights
The bus stand is connected to the shopping complex with a barrier free access for the convenience of handicapped person. Also tac liner tiles and tac button tiles are provided for their convenience from main entrance of the bus stand till ground floor of the shopping complex and its passages.
The bus stand is also provided with D.G. set of 62.50 KVA as a backup power supply for shopping complex, bus stand area, external area lighting and partly for stilt and other floors.
Provision is also made for parking of taxis, autorickshaws and motor bikes with independent entry and exit along the Sirigao road.
The bus stand is designed with single entry point and two exit points for the buses. One exit is on the eastern side for buses leaving towards Mapusa, Panaji etc. and the other exit is on the western side for buses leaving towards Valpoi, Sawantwadi, Belgaum, etc


Sub Works
This project involved 1 sub works. The details of the same available below
Construction of Bus Stand and Shopping Complex at Assonora, Bardez, Goa – Electrical works.
Likely Date of Completion December 28 2009



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